Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Results Are In

Congratulations to avermeer, EternalDaisy, Leanne-Rose and shantii who all crossed the finish line in the final hours of NaNoWriMo to bring the total number of finishers in Guelph to 14. That puts us at a 41.2% win rate folks - over twice the world-wide win rate for 2008 of 18.2%! Guelph Wrimos rock!

Congratulations to everyone who took part this year! We had a phenomenally strong showing here in Guelph, not only amongst the "official winners" but throughout the whole team, many of whom were first-time Wrimos and logged more words this past month than they have ever before done on a single project. Way to go!

All Guelph Wrimos are invited to our "Thank Goodness It's Over" party to celebrate our accomplishments this past month and December's return to "normalcy" (whatever that is!). See the Party Planning thread below and leave your thoughts.

1 comment:

K said...

hi matthew just wanted to say thanks for your comment! and good for you that you're living the life you want - i think its a rarity, as unfortunate as that is. :)